Kebijakan Pemerintah Indonesia Dalam Melindungi Sumber Daya Genetik Pada Pemerintahan Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Tahun 2013

Faisyal Rani ', Tegar Islami '


This Study Describes the Policy Nagoya Indonesia ratified the protocol, thisprotocolgoverning access to genetic resources and equitable sharing of benefitsarising from the balanced utilization on biodiversity convention, the Nagoyaprotocol is important for Indonesia because this protocol is an instrument toprevent the theft of geneticresources (biopiracy), Indonesia is an a country thathas a wealth of genetic resources are very large. Because of the wealth og geneticresources, Indonesian dubbed “megadiversity”. Indonesia has ratified theNagoya protocol by issuing Law No. 11 in 2013on the ratification of the Nagoyaprotocol access to genetic resources and benefit sharing fair ang balanced arisingfrom utilization.Keyword:Foreign Policy, Nagoya Protocol, Biopiracy, Megadiversity, GeneticResources

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