Efektifitas ASOD (Asean Senior Officials On Drugs Matters) Dalam Menanggulangi Industri Narkotika di Kawasan ASEAN 2004-2009

Sarah ', Pazli '


The aim of this research is to try describe ASOD (ASEAN Senior Officials on Drugs Matters) as the instrument of ASEAN for prevents drugs industry issu during 2004-2009 periode. ASEAN region is the mist suscebtible of transnational crime activities because mist of the Southeast Asia Countries have Institusional weaknees. ASEAN alerts transnational crime especially drugs industry in priority agenda. The securitization process established by ASEAN to response this issue. The response is caused by various threats such as, threat on regional level, state level, social, and also individual level. In this research, the outhor uses thr theory of international regime to assits in explaining the efforts of ASID. As a regime, ASOD has the efforts in planning the framework of external cooperation with ASEAN partners, NGOs, and any other international organizations.

Keywords: drugs industry, ASEAN, ASOD, International regime, Regional Cooperation.

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