Strategi Cina Menghadapi Kepentingan Amerika Serikat Terhadap China’s One Child Policy

Pazli ', Purwasandi '


This research describes about the strategy of China to confront the UnitedState interest of one child policy. This policy is used to control the growth ofpopulation. This policy enables every family to have one child. Populationproblem is an important problem for the continuence of life an development ofChina. The purpose of this research is to describe one child policy and theeffect of this policy, and the strategy used by China to overcome United Satateinterest that interfere about the effect that appear such human right violation.China used one child policy because the imbalance of population with the totalarea related to economy, politic, and the prosperity of its people. But, thispolicy is thought to has violated human right. United State as the country thatsupport human right, interfere on one child policy to reduce human rightpolicy such as abortion, economic, and politic problems of China that increasequickly. Finally, this research finds out the strategy of China to confront theUnited State interest of one child policy by parcitipating on human rightregime, and do the steps to overcome its ecomonic and politic wich has beenthe interest of United State.

Key Words: One Child Policy, Human Right, Abortion, Interest, Startegy,Economic, Politic.

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